List of best flights with timing for Udaipur
Planning to reach Udaipur via flight? Then have a look at the below list of some popular flights which you can catch from Delhi and Mumbai.
1. Flights from Delhi to Udaipur
The below are 4 non stop flights from Indigo Airlines from Delhi to Udaipur.
Flights from Indigo airlines:
05:45 New Delhi and 07:05 Udaipur
01 hr 20 mins non stop flight.
07:45 New Delhi and 09:10 Udaipur
01 hr 25 mins non stop flight
13:25 New Delhi and 14:45 Udaipur
01 hr 20 mins non stop flight
16:00 New Delhi and 17:25 Udaipur
01 hr 25 mins non stop flight
And there is currently 1 direct flight from Delhi to Udaipur from Vistara Airlines. The details of this flight are:
Flight from Vistara Airlines:
13:20 New Delhi and 14:45 Udaipur
01 hr 25 mins non stop flight.
2. Flights from Mumbai to Udaipur
Currently we see that the best flights to reach Udaipur from Mumbai are from Indigo and Vistara. And a total of 3 daily flights are available between Mumbai and Udaipur. These are:
Flights from Indigo airlines:
12:15 Mumbai and 13:40 Udaipur
01 hr 25 mins non stop flight.
17:20 Mumbai and 18:45 Udaipur
01 hr 25 mins non stop flight.
Flight from Vistara Airlines:
12:15 Mumbai and 13:45 Udaipur
01 hr 30 mins non stop flight.
We will soon add flight details from Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai soon. And feel free to contact us at +91 9928399846 (CB Singh) to book a cab in Udaipur.