Book Haridwar to Badrinath taxi fare at Rs 4000 all inc per day fare from:
Rajputana Cabs®
The famous dham of Badrinath is ore than 300 km (313 km exact) drive from Haridwar and for our guests who are interested in visit the temple of Baba Badri, we offer our Haridwar to Badrinath taxi fare of Rs 4000 all inclusive for our sedan car & driver.
You can also visit the Badrinath Dham in our SUV cars like Ertiga, Innova, Crysta and our tempo traveller which include 12 seater. 16 seater and 25 seater tempo traveller. View more details on our Haridwar to Badrinath taxi package below & call me at:
View our Haridwar to Badrinath taxi fare & tour details:
Feel free to ask us fare for both Badrinath and Kedarnath dham, or Char Dham taxi fare:
Companies that show trust in Rajputana Cabs (Our clients)
Contact us, for Haridwar to Badrinath taxi fare & package:
Also ask us for all inclusive package but that of whole Char Dham Yatra.
Details for travelers interested in booking Haridwar to Badrinath taxi:
Distance, time & on-route sites
Distance & time: You can straight reach Badrinath Dham via can as not much trekking is required here. From Haridwar Badrnath temple os 313 km driver which takes 10 hour to reach, and the best route is:
Haridwar > Rishikesh > Srinagar > Rudraprayag > Karanprayag > Pipalkoti > Badrinath.
About Joshimath & Pipalkoti: Previously Joshimath use to be a popular stop for night stay for Badrinath dham yatra, bu sadly due to natural calamities, we have to suggest Pipalkoti as best night stay destination.
On-route Sites: Apart from Haridwar & Rishikesh sites, you can visit Karnaprayag which is one of 5 places where you can see the sangam of Ganges, Yamuna & Saraswati river joins.
Plus the city of Karnaprayag is also mentioned in Mahabharat, as its believed that Shri Krishna performed the cremation of Raja Karan here. And this is one of many myths associated with this beautiful destination.
Plus you can also stop at Rudraprayag, also one of 5 Panch Prayag, and here you can visit Rudranath Temple, and the famous Tungnath Temple.
Hotels near Badrinath
The best places to stay on Badrinath dham yatra is Badrinath area, but since many travelers prefer to stay on route, you can checkout Pipalkoti & Govindghat. Below we have shared some hotels that you can checkout.
Hotels, guest houses:
- GMVN Tourist Rest House Devlok, Badrinath
- Sarovar Portico, Badrinath
- Narayan Palace Hotel, Badrinath
- New Hotel Snow Crest, Badrinath
- Amritara The Avadh, Badrinath
- Hotel Comfort Inn, Pipalkoti
- Hotel Badrnath, Pipalkoti
- Hotel Kushal Palace, Pipalkoti
- Hotel Ajay Palace, Pipalkoti
- Hotel Shubham, Govindghat
- Hotel Bhagat, Govindghat
Opening & closing date of Badrinath Dham
Opening date: On 27 April 2023, and its open for around 6 months.
Closing date: On 21 November 2023, and it will be final on Vijayadashmi festival in Oct’23.
Our taxi services:
Haridwar taxi service
Apart from Badrinath Dham Yatra, Char Dham Yatra, you can contact us for taxi , tempo booking for local Haridwar Sightseeing, trips to hill stations like Mussoorie, Nainital, Manali etc, with our Haridwar taxi service.
Char dham yatra package
Book a private cab for Char Dham Yatra at Rs 32,000 or per persona package for Rs 17,000 all inclusive of stay, transportation & 3 meals, with Rajputana Cabs Char Dham Yatra package from Haridwar.
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