Udaipur Ahmedabad taxi

Udaipur to Ahmedabad taxi, from Rajputana Cabs

Book our taxi to travel from Udaipur to Ahmedabad (a 265 km drive) with our “Udaipur to Ahmedabad taxi package” where you can book our:

Ahmedabad Udaipur Taxi Fare:

Below you will find more details on all inclusive cab fare for 3 days trip to Udaipur, and also what is our fare from Udaipur to Ahmedabad, & suggested route.

Udaipur manager Mr. Gajender Sharma at +91 9783957913, & our senior manager Mr. CB Singh at +91 9928399846 for more details.

And also view our Ahmedabad to Udaipur taxi package.

Our Udaipur to Ahmedabad taxi trip details:

Distance, time & fare


Distance: Distance between Udaipur & Ahmedabad is 270 km, & it’s a 5 hour one side drive.

Cab fare: Our sedan cab fare is Rs 9 & Innova fare is ₹ 14 per km. Minimum fare is for 250 km.

A three day tour of Udaipur from Ahmedabad:

Minimum fare: 250 km x 3 days = 750 km x Rs 9 = Rs 6,750, and any km driver above 750 km on this Udaipur tour will be charged at Rs 10 per km.

For more details on this Ahmedabad Udaipur taxi service, call our Udaipur manager at 9783957913 (Mr. Gajender Sharma)

Ahmedabad tourist sites:

City Palace Udaipur

At Ahmedabad, one can plan to visit:

  1. Sabarmati Ashram
  2. Adalaj Stepwell
  3. Sidi Saiyyed Mosque
  4. Auto World Vintage Car Museum
  5. Teen Darwaza
  6. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial (near Airport)
  7. Akshardham temple in Gandhi Nagar.

And for the list of sites to explore in Udaipur, click at this link.

Udaipur Ahmedabad Route


Our suggested route between Ahmedabad and Udaipur is:

  • Ahmedabad, Himmatnagar, Samalaji, Rishabhdev, and Udaipur.

This is National Highway 48 route from Ahmedabad to Udaipur.

Call our manager (Mr. Gajender Sharma) at +91 9783957913.

Or mail your tour details, by filling the contact form below.

Mail, Contact form

    Your Name

    Your Email

    Your Phone Number


    Companies that show trust in Rajputana Cabs (Our clients)

    Mahindra holidays
    Oyo Rooms
    The Indian Express
    Rajasthan Patrika

    Meet us at our office:

    Ahmedabad Office Address:

    • Ramdev Nagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015
    • Email: rajputanacabsindia@gmail.com
    • Contact person: Mr. CB Singh
    • Sales: +91 9928399846 (24 hours/7 days)

    Udaipur Office Address:

    • Plot No 86, Azad colony, Near New Ramada Hotel, Rampura Chouraha, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001
    • Phone number: +91 9783957913
    • Email: rajputanacabsindia@gmail.com