Get all inclusive fare for your Tempo Traveller booking in Lucknow:
Fill the below form and get an all inclusive fare for your trip from Lucknow, inclusive of toll tax, state tax, parking, and driver allowance.
Our Fare chart for Tempo traveller in Lucknow for:
2025 season
Tempo Traveller model | Local per day fare | Outstation fare per km | Driver allowance for outstation |
12 seater traveller | ₹ 5000 | ₹ 22 | Rs 500 |
16 seater traveller | ₹ 5500 | ₹ 24 | Rs 500 |
20 seater traveller | ₹ 6750 | ₹ 28 | Rs 500 |
24 seater traveller | ₹ 7000 | ₹ 30 | Rs 500 |
Maharaja traveller | ₹ 6250 | ₹ 25 | Rs 500 |
Urbania 17 seater traveller | ₹ 8500 | ₹ 32 | Rs 500 |
27 Seater Mini Bus | ₹ 9000 | ₹ 35 | Rs 500 |
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Faq on our tempo traveller service in Lucknow:
1. What is the fare for a 12-seater tempo traveler for a 3-day trip from Lucknow?
Answer: For 3 days, we will charge for a minimum of 750 km at Rs 22 per km, making the tempo fare Rs 16,500. Then add Rs 1,500 for 3 days driver allowance, and all toll tax, state tax & parking will be paid by the guest on the trip, approximately Rs 600-750 per day.
2. What is the price of 17 seater tempo traveller in Lucknow?
Answer: If you book our 16-17 seater tempo traveler for local Lucknow, then it’s Rs 5,500 for an 8-hour 80 km ride. After 8 hours, the per km charge will be Rs 25, and Rs 400 per hour
3. I need a luxury tempo traveller in Lucknow, what’s the price & seating capacity?
Answer: In the luxury segment, we have 9 & 13 seater Maharaja Tempo traveler, available for Rs 6000 per day for local & ₹ 24 per km for outstation. Then we have Urbania tempo traveler, which is a 17-seater model and available for Rs 32 to 35 per km, or Rs 8,000-9,000 per day for local transport.