Book Mathura to Agra taxi from Rajputana Cabs®
Starting at Rs 10 per km
Agra is 60 km & 1 hour drive from Mathura, and you can book our Mathura to Agra taxi for one side drop or for whole day at Rs 10 per km taxi fare for sedan car like Dzire.
Plus you can also book our SUV car like Ertiga, Innova, Crysta etc, whose rates we have shared below.
And if you seek to hire a cab in Mathura for local Sightseeing of Mathura, Vrindavan & Agra, then we have shared our taxi tours below too. Plus feel free to call me (CB Singh) at:
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Mathura to Agra taxi fare details:
Call me at below contact details to book our Mathura to Agra taxi package, or to get the best rates.
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Faq on Mathura to Agra taxi service:
Distance, time & route
Agra to 58-59 km drive from Mathura, all Highway route and it takes around 1 hour to reach Agra. We take the Delhi Agra highway route and which passes through Sikandra.
Places to see in Agra
In Agra you can see Akbar Tomb, Guru Ka Tal Gurudwara, Mehtab Bagh, Taj Mahal, Agra Fort and Baby Taj. Then sequence is that the closest sites to see in Agra from Mathura is Akbar Tomb & farthest is Baby Taj.
Hotels in Agra
Checkout hotels like Holiday Inn MG Road, Courtyard Hotel, Royale Sarovar Portica, Hotel Maple Grand, Hotel Aman & Fern Howard Plaza.
Local food of Agra
Agra is famous for its Petha, especially from Panchi Petha. You can also try the local Bedmi puri, Ram Babu Paratha, Mughlai food at ITC Mughal, Shawarma, etc. Additionally, check out Sheroes Hangout Cafe, which is run by acid attack victims in Agra.
Places to visit near Agra
Apart from the temples and ghats of Mathura and Vrindavan, you can visit Bharatpur to see migratory birds in Keoladeo National Park, the beautiful Deeg Palace, the forgotten city of Fatehpur Sikri, and the city of Gwalior. Additionally, you can visit Jaipur, which is a 230 km drive from Agra.
Medical service in Agra
If for any reason you require medical service in Agra then contact Lotus Super Specialty Hospital, People’s Heritage Hospital, Ujala Cygnus Rainbow hospital, Pushpanjali Hospital and Wims Hospital Agra.
Our office:
Mathura: 15, Shankar Road, Janam Bhumi, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281003
Head office: 24 Gopi Nagar Vistar, Jaisinghpura Khor Delhi Bypass Jaipur, Rajasthan 302027
Contact: +91 8209351141
Contact: +91 9928399846
Contact: +91 9983010250
Whatsapp: Click here