Lucknow to Varanasi taxi from
Varanasi is approximately 300 kilometers away by car from Lucknow. We offer a convenient and affordable Lucknow to Varanasi taxi service, with both one-way and round-trip options available at competitive prices.
Our Fares:
- One-way cab: Starting from Rs. 4,000
- Round trip: Rs. 11 per kilometer
Below you will find detailed taxi fare chart, along with helpful information for your trip, such as Distance, Travel time, best route, interesting places to stop along the way, food options etc.
So book your Lucknow to Varanasi Taxi today, & feel free to contact me, CB Singh, at:
Companies that show trust in Rajputana Cabs (Our clients)

View our
Lucknow to Varanasi taxi fare chart
Plus you can also checkout our taxi service in Lucknow, tempo traveller & Bus rental pages. for a 2 to 20 days trip from Lucknow. And feel free to contact us at:
Varanasi & Ayodhya trip from Lucknow
To view our details on Lucknow to Varanasi trip, scroll down and this is our 4 days/ 3 nights Lucknow Ayodhya Varanasi taxi trip which you can book for Rs 13200 taxi fare. Details for this trip is:
Day 1: Lucknow to Ayodhya drive, visit some sites in evening & night stay in Ayodhya.
Day 2: Half day Ayodhya sightseeing & leave for Varanasi by 4 pm (4-5 hour drive) & night stay in Varanasi
Day 3: Full day local Varanasi Sightseeing & night stay in Varanasi
Day 4: Leave for Lucknow on day 4, and reach by 4-5 pm.
For more details on this trip plan, call me (CB Singh) at 9983010250.
Have a look at
Faq Lucknow to Varanasi Taxi service
Distance, route & time
Varanasi is 300-315 km drive from Lucknow and the best route we suggest is Purvanchal Expressway. Its goes from Lucknow > Kurebhar > Jaunpur > Varanasi. Total time on this route is 5 to 6 hour driving time.
On route site to see
The best sites which you can see on Lucknow Varanasi route is Ayodhya, as here you can see Shree Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir, Shri Hanuman Garhi Mandir, & Kanak Bhawan. Checkout our Ayodhya Sightseeing Package page for more details.
Hotels in Varanasi
Checkout hotels like Taj Nadesar Palace Varanasi, Comfort Inn Benares, Hotel Dolphin Grand, BrijRama Palace, Hotel Four Element and Amritara Suryauday Haveli. Plus there are some amazing budget hotels too.
Question 1: How much is the taxi fare for Lucknow to Varanasi?
Answer: It’s Rs 4500 for one-way drop and Rs 2750 per day if you are planning a return trip. Plus expenses like toll tax, driver allowance (Rs 300 a day), and parking charges will be paid by the guest on the trip.
Question 2: I want to book a SUV car for 6 people for Varanasi, what’s the fare?
Answer: For one side drop, our Ertiga car is available for Rs 6300 taxi fare and per per fare for return trip is Rs 3500, 4000 & 4500 for Ertiga, Innova & Crysta.
Question 3: What’s your booking & cancelation policy?
Answer: For booking, we require a 10% advance payment, with the remaining amount to be paid to the driver. You will receive a 100% refund for your advance if the booking is cancelled 7 days before the trip date.
Our office:
Lucknow: 14 Vijay Nagar, Naka Hindola, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226018
Head office: 24 Gopi Nagar Vistar, Jaisinghpura Khor Delhi Bypass Jaipur, Rajasthan 302027
Contact: +91 8209351141
Contact: +91 9928399846
Contact: +91 9983010250
Whatsapp: Click here
Email: rajputanacabs@gmail.com
Related Links:
- Lucknow Taxi Service
- Lucknow Tempo Traveller
- Lucknow Bus Rental
- Lucknow Sightseeing Tour
- Lucknow to Ayodhya taxi
- Lucknow to Agra taxi