Jaisalmer to Mount Abu taxi
Planning to travel from Jaisalmer to Mount Abu? If yes then have a look at Rajputana Cabs Jaisalmer to Mount Abu taxi service, where we offer:
Jaisalmer to Mount Abu taxi fare:
- Sedan Cars like Suzuki Dzire & Toyota Etios at Rs 10 per km
- And SUV Cars like Toyota Innova at ₹ 14 per km
Below on this page, we have mentioned more details like distance, time, fare, places to see on the route between Jaisalmer & Moun Abu, etc.
And to book the cab for Mount Abu straight away, just call our manager Mr Singh at +91 9928399846, or fill the contact form below.
Details on Jaisalmer to Mount Abu trip (in our cab)
Distance, time & fare
Distance & time: Mount Abu is 445 km, and 8-hour drive from Jaisalmer.
Fare: If you book a sedan car then the fare for one side Jaisalmer to Mount Abu will come to Rs 9 x 445 km = Rs 4,005 and do add extra Rs 500 (Toll & Rs 200 as driver allowance).
For a Toyota Innova, the cab fare will be ₹ 11, and I would suggest to call at +91 9928399846 (CB Singh) or fill the contact form below with details like when you are planning to travel for Mount Abu.
On-route tourist sites
While travelling from Jaisalmer to Mount Abu, you can plan trips to on-route sites like:
- Shri Nakoda Parshawnath Jain Temple
- Mahabar Sand Dunes, Barmer
- Kiradu temples
- And the city of Jodhpur, if we drive from NH 125 & 62
Hotels in Mount Abu
At Mount Abu, you can check hotels like:
- The Fern Ratan Villas – Star rated
- WelcomHeritage Connaught House – Star rated
- Hotel Hillock – Star rated
- Hotel Toppers Corner – Mid Budget
- Hotel Ashoka – Mid-budget
- Hotel Vinayak – Budget
Contact form for Jaisalmer to Mount Abu taxi