ana sagar lake in ajmer

Jaipur to Ajmer Bus Service

Planning to catch a bus from Jaipur to Ajmer? Then Rajputana Cabs have some fine private bus service which offer five packages to reach Ajmer from Jaipur.

Distance and Time

Ajmer is 140 km from Jaipur and in our bus service it will take three house to reach. For more information, you can contact our manager Mr Singh at 9928399846 or fill the contact form at the end of the page.

Route from Jaipur to Ajmer

Our buses will take Ajmer-Jaipur expressway route which is the fastest route to reach Ajmer. Main stops here is Kishangarh.

Bus Offered & Fare

AC deluxe bus, AC Sleeper, Non-AC Sleeper, Volvo AC and Tempo Traveller. Fare for this tour starts from INR 110 in Non AC buses and INR 250 for AC Volvo bus.

Contact Form for Jaipur Ajmer Bus Service

    Your Name

    Your Email

    Your Phone Number
