Travel from Jaipur to cities 100 km away

Below we have a list of tourist and business cities which are under 100 km radius from Jaipur and we offer taxi service to all these cities.

So if you are interested to visit any of them, then click on the link at every trip details to view taxi fare & other details for that particular city.

banasthali university

Taxi for Banasthali

Banasthali is popular educational institute, and we offer our taxi service for all those students and their families who want to book a taxi for Banasthali Vidyapeeth

Bhangarh Fort

Taxi for Bhangarh

Bhangarh is a popular tourist destination, famous for its haunted stories and it’s just 90 km away from Jaipur. So to book a taxi from Jaipur to Bhangarhview this page.

Jaipur Kishangarh Expressway

Taxi for Kishangarh

Kishangarh is 100 km away from Jaipur & takes 2 hours to reach from Jaipur. Click the bold link to book a taxi from Jaipur to Kishangarh.


Taxi for Kukas

Kukas is a neighbor town of Jaipur and one can reach here in 30 mins from airport. More details of Jaipur Kukas taxi service at this page.

Ramgarh Shekhawati

Taxi for Ramgarh

Ramgarh is in shekhawati region and we offer Jaipur to Ramgarh taxi service. Check details on this page with ever information.

Sanganer Rajasthan

Taxi for Sanganer

Sanganer is a popular town near Jaipur and we offer Jaipur to Sanganer taxi service whose details you can get from this page.

Shri Kalyan Temple

Taxi for Shri Kalyan Temple

Shri Kalyan Temple is a famous Hindu shrine and is just 80 km from Jaipur. To know more about on how to reach this temple, view this page.

Triveni Dham

Taxi for Triveni Dham

Triveni Dham is a 250 old temple and is 75 km from Jaipur. To book a cab for Triveni Dham, have a look at our Jaipur to Triveni Dham taxi.

 More trips from Jaipur

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    Your Name

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    Your Phone Number


    Other attractions, universities or business cities which are 100 km from Jaipur and we offer our taxi for are Manipal University Jaipur and few others which we will add here soon.