Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar taxi
From Rajputana Cabs®
Gandhinagar is just 26 km from Ahmedabad, and if you are looking for a taxi package for this road trip, then have a look at Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar Taxi package by Rajputana Cabs, starting fare start Rs 10 per km (view complete fare chart below on this page).
Below we have also mentioned info on Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar distance & best route, tourist places in Gandhinagar, Hotels in Gandhinagar, popular places near Gandhinagar. For our Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar taxi booking or trip inquiries, call me (CB Singh) at:
- Mobile: +91 9928399846
- Mail: Fill the form below
- Whatsapp : Click here
Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar taxi fare:
Our one way taxi fare for Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar taxi + return trip (Ahmedabad > Gandhinagar > Ahmedabad) fare details are given.
1. Small car
- Rs 700 (8 hours)
- Rs 10 per km
2. Sedan car
- Rs 1200 (8 hours)
- Rs 9-10 per km
3. Innova car
- Rs 1600 (8 hours)
- ₹ 14 per km
4. Tempo Traveller
- Rs 3500 (8 hours)
- Rs 15-20 per km (round trip)
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FAQ on our Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar Cabs
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Ahmedabad taxi service
Rajputana Cabs offers taxi in Ahmedabad for tourists looking to visit Mumbai, Rajasthan, Gujarat cities + Delhi, Agra also. Plus you can also plan Char Dham Yatra and visit Vaishno Devi Temple in J&K.
Ahmedabad to Patan taxi
Our Ahmedabad to Patan Taxi package offers private car on hire to visit Patan. On route to Patan from Ahmedabad, you can also visit Siddhpur and the famous Modhera Sun Temple.
Ahmedabad to Rajkot taxi
In our Ahmedabad to Rajkot taxi we offer private AC cabs on hire for a visit to Rajkot. On this route Ahmedabad -Rajkot route you can make stops to visit Nalsarovar, Jalaram Temple etc.
Ahmedabad to Vadodara taxi
Vadodara is 110 km from Ahmedabad and Rajputana Cabs offers its Ahmedabad to Vadodara taxi on hire basis for your road trip to Vadodara at affordable car fare, plus we also provide experienced drivers with our cabs.
Contact us at:
To book our Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar Cabs, contact us at:
Phone: +91 9928399846
Senior Manager: +91 9983010250
Mail: rajputanacabsindia@gmail.com