Ahmedabad to Ankleshwar taxi
From Rajputana Cabs®
If you are looking to travel by cab from Ahmedabad to Ankleshwar, then have a look at our Ahmedabad to Ankleshwar Taxi package, where you can hire/book our Sedan, Innova (& other SUV) tourist cabs & many other taxi models with driver with a starting taxi fare of Rs 10 per km.
And below you can read our FAQ section where we have covered important details like: 1. Travel duration (Ahmedabad to Ankleshwar), 2. Popular tourist places on Ahmedabad-Ankleshwar highway route, 3. Best Ankleshwar attractions you can visit in and other such info. For taxi booking, contact me (CB Singh) on:
- Mobile: +91 9928399846
- Mail: Fill the form below
- Whatsapp : Click here
Ahmedabad to Ankleshwar taxi fare:
Below given is one side taxi fare for Ahmedabad to Ankleshwar & return cab rates (Ahmedabad > Ankleshwar > Ahmedabad):
1. Small car
- Rs 1625 (one way)
- Rs 10 per km
2. Sedan car
- Rs 1825 – 2025 (one way)
- Rs 9-10 per km
3. Innova car
- Rs 2225 – 2425 (one way)
- ₹ 14 per km
4. Tempo Traveller
- Rs 3050 – 4050 (one way)
- Rs 15-20 per km (round trip)
Companies that show trust in Rajputana Cabs (Our clients)
Trip FAQ on our Ahmedabad to Ankleshwar Cabs
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Ahmedabad taxi service
You can book our Ahmedabad taxi service, which we offer to plan visits to all Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra attractions, & even for long trips to Delhi, Chennai, Bengaluru etc. Click below to view car rental.
Ahmedabad to Vadodara Taxi
Vadodara is just 111 km from Ahmedabad and for this we give best rates in our Ahmedabad to Vadodara taxi package and driver + you can book one way trip and return cab also.
Ahmedabad to Anand taxi
From Ahmedabad to Anand road trip we offer our Ahmedabad to Anand taxi as one way cab and you can even plan a return trip back to Ahmedabad and our best rates are for Innova/SUV cabs.
Ahmedabad to Narmada taxi
From Ahmedabad you can plan a trip to Narmada and see Statue of Unity, for which we offer best rates with all our tourist taxi and find all about our Ahmedabad to Narmada taxi in below button.
Contact us at:
To book our Ahmedabad to Ankleshwar Cabs, contact us at:
Phone: +91 9928399846
Senior Manager: +91 9983010250
Mail: rajputanacabsindia@gmail.com