Jaipur to Nagaur taxi

Jaipur to Nagaur Taxi Service

Nagaur city lies between Jodhpur and Bikaner and if you are planning to visit Nagaur from Jaipur than you can hire a taxi from Rajputana Cabs.

Distance & Taxi fare

Nagaur is around 247 km away from the Jaipur Airport & we charge a fare of Rs 2225 approximately (INR 9 per km) for this trip. Cars offered are Suzuki Dzire or any other similar sedan with a local driver.

Please find below some generic information about Jaipur to Nagaur road trip, which will help you in making this trip an enjoyable one.

For any queries or information on Jaipur to Nagaur taxi service, feel free to get in touch with our manager (CB Singh) at 9928399846 or by filling in the form below.

Jaipur to Nagaur trip details

Distance and fare

Jaipur Nagaur distance & fare

It takes around 5 hours to reach Nagaur from Jaipur airport or railway station as the distance is approx 247 km and we at Rajputana Cab charges Rs 2225 for this trip, INR 9 per km basis.

Fort of the Hooded Cobra in Nagaur

Nagaur Tourist Sites

At Nagaur, the Fort of the Hooded Cobra is a must visit attraction. There are several palaces, gardens, temples and fountains inside the fortress and attracts a fair number of tourists every year.

Hotel rooms

Places to Stay

At Nagaur one can check out hotels like Hotel Meghmount, Hotel Shyam Palace, Mahindra Hotel, and Mahaveer International. All these are close to Nagaur railway station.

Jaipur Nagaur taxi booking form

    Your Name

    Your Email

    Your Phone Number
