Agra to Khajuraho taxi

Agra to Khajuraho taxi from Rajputana Cabs

The distance from Agra to Khajuraho is 413 km & you can visit the world famous temples of Khajuraho with our Agra to Khajuraho taxi service, where you can rent our cars from Agra at below fare.

Agra to Khajuraho Car rental fare:

Feel free to call us at +91 9783957913, or mail us by filling up the contact form below, and do check more details like places to see in Khajuraho, Agra-Khajuraho on-route sites & some accommodation options in Khajuraho.

Details: Agra to Khajuraho taxi

Distance and fare

Distance, time & fare

The distance between Agra & Khajuraho is 413 km & this is a 8-9 hour drive.

The fare for our Agra to Khajuraho taxi is Rs 9 (sedan) & ₹ 11/12 (Innova) per km.

Reach is at 9783957913 (Pratap), or fill the contact form below.


Khajuraho tourism sites

At Khajuraho, you must plan to visit:

  1. Khajuraho Temples
  2. Mahadev Temple
  3. Lakshmana Temple

The best time to visit Khajuraho is from October to March, as weather is quite nice in these months.

Hotel India

Hotels in Khajuraho

Since Khajuraho is a popular tourist site, so you will find some good hotels here & a few popular ones are:

  • The Lalit Temple View
  • Hotel Isabel Palace, budget
  • Hotel Harmony, budget
  • Ramada Khajuraho, 3 star
  • Clarks Khajuraho, 1 star

Agra to Khajuraho taxi: Contact form

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